Friday 14 December 2012


A story had been brought out of a MI6 Spy called Gareth Williams who has gone through a suspicious unexplained death. This 31 year old man had been a MI6 employee working as a code breaker, he had been found dead in his central London flat in a large red North Face sports bag in a bathtub outside of his master bedroom. There are two stories going around on this case, one story is that he murdered by some other spies and put him in the bag or that he had crawled into the bag himself sipped it shut and padlocked it from the inside. There had been multiple videos of people simulating on how to lock themselves in. Through this they want to prove that it in fact had been a type of suicide rather than a murder. I believe that it had been a conspiracy and they had tried to cover up to a murder.

This relates back to our thriller by the plot on what would happen to her when she is on the run before. I am not personally saying that she would be locked up in a big red sports bag, but I'm saying that the people who are after her will want to get her and kill her. This has already happened when the thug pops out and kills the guy while the girl gets around the car in order to kill him. By this news story this gives the idea about what could possibly happen to the girl afterwards when she is on her own, by killing her and and making it look like suicide.

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