Thursday 13 December 2012

Developed Plot of Narrative Action for Thriller

Our idea has developed a lot since we last gave our presentation.
Our idea now opens with a couple parking up in a car in a car park. We then see fast/short cuts of a person dressed in black. The cuts reveal parts of his identity but do not reveal all, i.e., half of his face in shadows or his feet walking. It shows that he is in a deserted building walking up flights of stairs. It will then cut between the two different scenes to establish the contrast between the two atmospheres surrounding them. The couple are happy with jolly music playing on the radio although the woman seems to be on edge but still enjoying each other’s company whereas the man in black will be eerie and will come across as a villain type character.
The car park resembles where we saw the man in black walking around. We see the man send a text saying 'all set?’ It then cuts to the lady in the car who checks her phone but we do not see what it says. The man in black opens a case he was carrying and pulls out a gun. It then cuts to the couple getting a lot closer. We see an over the shoulder shot of the man's gun pointing at the couple in the car. As the couple are about to kiss, we see the woman send a text saying 'set'. As she looks into his eyes we see her shed a tear and then the man she is with gets shot in the back of the head by the man in black.

 Shot by shot list.
        Two shot of the couple in the car preparing to leave
        Close up of woman checking her watch
        Panning shot of woman getting out the car
        Cut back to man sitting in the car alone
        Close up of mystery  man holding brief case and close up on watch on his wrist.
        Over the shoulder shot of woman checking her phone (shows she lies about not having her phone).
        Dutch angle of man moving up stairs
        High angle shot over man in car (venerable).
        Wide/establishing shot of mysterious man entering top floor of car park
        Panning shot of woman walking out of the car park.
        Panning shot of the man entering top floor of car park.
        Various close ups of mysterious man undoing the brief case and pulling out a gun.
        Over the shoulder shot of gun pointing at the man in the car.
        Close up of the man’s head falling onto the steering wheel and hitting the horn .
        Match on action/Medium close up shot of woman getting into a car at the bottom of the car park as the sound of the horn echos.
        Two shot showing the man in the car passing her a letter.
        Medium wide shot of the car driving away.

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