Wednesday 12 December 2012

The Change of the Thriller (From 1950 to Modern day)

We had to present Simon our Media Teacher with our idea so then we would be able to see if we would or would not be able to shoot our film. As Simon heard us out about our thriller idea he had criticised us by saying it would be a very difficult thing to do for our budget, because we would need to find a old 1950's car, and a old drive in cinema. To be honest at that time we haven't given much time thinking about props and location.
      We had to rethink on what are we going to do, so we decided to to make it modern day, in order for us to avoid the complicity of making everything look the 1950's. We had chosen to do a regular parking lot instead of a old drive in cinema. By changing only a couple of aspects of our thriller we would be able to make our thriller more of a possibility.

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