Wednesday 9 January 2013


For our new changed thriller we are able to relate to some other movies previously made by big global film productions. When we look at our thriller now we are able to see similarities in movies for example:

Kill Bill                                                                                                 Hanna


For Kill bill this relate to our thriller because the main character in the film is a woman who is traveling by herself in order to accomplish her goal. By comparing kill bill to our opening sequence we both have a woman as the main character who is on the run, in Kill Bill's case she it on the run from her past and trying to get rid of it, in our thriller we have the character on the run away from the people who want to track them down and kill her.

Hanna relates to our thriller by having the main character on the run from an organisation who wants to train her to become the perfect assassin; she is basically a project. This relates to our thriller by having possibly a russian assassin who is on the run away from a group who wants to kill her. 

For Salt this relates to our thriller by having a spy which is russian, in Salt she has to kill everyone who would get in the way of her main goal. This relates to our film because our russian spy would possibly go kill the person who is after her, in the end. Another aspect of our thriller that relates to salt is where both salt and our russian spy has to deal with people who are after her and get rid of them.

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