Wednesday 23 January 2013

Final Shot by Shot List

  • ·      Multiple Track Shot of the car
  • ·      Track shot of car (to the windshield)
  • ·      2 Shot of the couple
  • ·      Over the shoulder of Guy
  • ·      Over the Shoulder of Girl (being Nervous) (Switching off Radio)
  • ·      High angle of Guy (being Vulnerable)
  • ·      High angle/OTS of girl (receiving Text “U Ready”)
  • ·      2 Shot of Guy smiling at girl and she smiles back
  • ·      Replies (“abort”)
  • ·      Back to High angle/OTS (beginning to put phone away)
  • ·      CU of Putting the phone away
  • ·      CU of the Bosses phone (receives the text)
  • ·      Low angle of Bosses reaction
  • ·      CU of Front Mirror (Boss nods Head)
  • ·      CU of Thugs Face Which moves to AK 47 being loaded
  • ·      Mid Shot of her being nervous
  • ·      Mid shot of guy Comforting girl
  • ·      Mounted GoPro shot of wheel moving
  • ·      OTS Shot of Thug Rolling down window (Ready to Shoot)(Can see the couples car in a distance through the window)
  • ·      (Back to the couple car) CU of Guys hand taking and holding girls hand
  • ·      (Back to the Bosses car) Low angle of him driving up
  • ·      (Back to the couple car) 2 Shot of Guy Leaning in for a Kiss
  • ·      (Back to the Bosses car) Mid Shot of Thug aims out window
  • ·      (Back to the couple car) OTS from the guy (Girl notices Thug)
  • ·      (Back to the Bosses car) Mid shot of Thug shooting
  • ·      (Back to the couple car) CU of Girls face ducking down
  • ·      Low angle of Girl Ducking (behind her there is blood and shattered glass flying through the air)
  • ·      (Back to the Bosses car)  Mid shot of Thug sticking head back in the car
  • ·      Wide angle shot of bosses car driving away
  • ·      CU of car door opening
  • ·      Mid Shot of girl climbing out of car
  • ·      Mid Shot focused on girl walking away, focused later on car
  • ·      CU of girls face saying “I’m Sorry” and walking away

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