Monday 5 November 2012

Kyle Cooper

Kyle Cooper was born in 1962 and he is a inspirational icon to anyone who would want to pursue to be a graphic designer. He had been taught in Yale school of art where he had been taught by Paul Rand, from his teachings he was able to receive a M. F. A. in graphic designing.

For his opening title sequences he had used fast cuts to express the movies path, if the movie were to have slow cuts it would show that the movie will be more of a slow not as suspenseful, if the movie would use fast cuts then the viewer could tell that it would be more suspenseful and more exciting. One of his main editing techniques are using many over-layered shots to show how many twists and turns the movie will encounter.

Throughout his lifetime he had created approximately 150 opening title sequences, he had done a lot of work for a lot of well known movies for example he had done the opening sequences for Dawn of the Dead, Superman, Spiderman, To Kill a Mockingbird, etc... He has been most memorable when he had created the opening sequence in the movie Se7en. By having shots over-layered it helps to give a creative effect to highlight the mysterious psychopath.

In the opening title sequence of the movie "Se7en" created by Kyle Cooper you are able to tell that there is an phsycotic killer at work and he it trying to find and kill someone. By using all these type of close-ups of cutting pieces of paper, writing, highlighting, etc… it is possible to tell that that one person is planing to do something, and judging by the dark intense music it would be a plan involving a murder. The main actor had also dirty hands which looked like he had worked for hours help sell the look of a psychopathic killer.

From Coopers work on this opening title sequence you are able to tell that he is a genius and that he has a very special talent for this.

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