Thursday 20 September 2012

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Analysis

In the movie poster The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo you are able to see this one woman standing in the middle of the darkness, all alone. Her standing in the middle of darkness signifies that she is isolated and has no one by her side which makes her week if she was being targeted. To confirm the theory of her being targeted is the red dragon which is looking at her, that signifies her being in great danger hence the red indicating danger and blood. Another aspect worth looking at is that one of her eyes are covered by very black hair, that signifies she has had a horrible history and she is trying to hide it from everyone els. The smoke coming from the right side of the poster signifies that she has angered someone and they are trying to get her in any way possible (the smoke is the rage of the dragon). The soft light that is on her face indicates that although that she is in great danger she still might have hope.

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