Tuesday 1 October 2013

Audience Feedback on Animatic

           During a brief time when we were in a group working on our music videos we were given the task to construct our story boards, in which we would later turn into a animatic. The animatic were videos that consists of our story boards being cut to the song that we are using which is “There She Goes” by the La’s.  The main purpose of this project was to work on our story boards in order to see if they all fit together. The other purpose of this was to practice editing for the people who have forgotten or even not known the editing process.

When we had edited the music the biggest issue that we had come across was to cut to the beat, since the song had been a slower tempo song we did not have a large variety to edit on. Most of our first draft of the animatic we had the shots cut out of time to the actual music the having changed the shots on every constant beat. Then on we had tried to fix those problems and we had slightly improved the overall animatic.

When it had come to the point when we had showed the music video to the entire class we had received the feedback of it. The ending statement of the feedback was that it had been still out of time in with some of the shots and the shots themselves to go well with one another. So in order to make our music video workout well we need to rethink on how we are going to link up all the ideas together. We have a path that we follow with the music video but we have to touch up the idea so when it comes to the actual music video production we would know exactly what we would need to do.

In the animatic we had tried to add as much star image as we could, we had tried to really associate the bands performance in the music video in order to prove to the target audience that they are a organic rather than a synthetic band. Also in the animatic you are able to see the bands interaction with one another and them working together which strengthens the aspect of them being close with each other. We had included some props in the animatic to give a home feel to it so then it would seem it would be a regular day for the band which increases the belief of their star image which is a group of friends hanging out and having a laugh in a casual Saturday night.

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