Thursday 5 September 2013

Music Video Idea 2

Track Name: Rebirthing
Artist: Skillet

In this music video there would be a huge conflict between the artist and himself, in the video itself the character will act out as being isolated and trying to break out of his mental cages in order to be reunited with his girlfriend. The idea behind this video comes from the mental struggle of his relationship with his girlfriend which he wants to overcome in order to fix it. He does this by breaking one of his mental cages but he till has more obstacles to overcome, when he breaks through all of them he finally meets his girlfriend which ends the video.

One of the obstacles that the main character has to go through would be a type of maze of hallways which he is being lead by some sudden images of his girlfriend in order to find a way out of the maze.

To this music video there is also a performance part which includes the main artist being in a isolated room with only a few shadowed figures standing in the distance which are his band that are playing music. Later we would see the main artist in another dark isolated room where there is a glass wall separating him from his girlfriend, it gives the idea that he is so close but yet still so far to the end. In that scene there would be the harmonies being sang by both of the male and female artist.

The entire music video will be dark with some strokes of white light to signify hope for the artist, this will happen until the end where it would become bright to signify freedom. In post production the threshold of the video will be increased in order to have a nice black and white contrast.

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