Wednesday 4 September 2013

Music Video Idea 1

Track Name: One Day Too Late
Artist: Skillet

In this music video idea there is a 50/50 split between the performance and the storyline in order to strengthen the idea of this music group being a organic rather than a synthetic band. Since the certain song is about regret I thought that it would be an interesting idea to show the things he regrets in a sequence that would start out with the ending and will end with the beginning (everything is reversed).

From the beginning of the video we would see the main character doing some kind of nice deed towards someone in oder to make the audience to think he is the nice and honest man while when further in the video we would see him being in a stretcher being taken to the hospital and he is seeing flashbacks of himself being a horrible person (there would be many examples through the video. In the end of the video we would see the protagonist being hit by a car or some other life changing experience. This will make the audience finally understand the whole story of the music video and it would be a like a bow on top of a present to finish it off.

On the other hand we would have a performance part where the main artist would be singing on a set of a hospital room and him recovering. This is maybe where we could bring the band on the set, maybe in the other band members would be laying in the hospital beds besides them playing their instruments while they are injured. While filming we could have the main artist singing backwards and doing some kind of actions and them later in the post production we would revers the footage to make him lip sing normally to the music e.g. spilling water on the ground which would become water going back into the cup which he had it spill from.

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