Saturday 31 August 2013

A Bio of Jamal Edwards from the Guardian

Jamal Edwards is a 22 year old founder of a online music channel called SBTV. This is a company that broadcast different types of music and does interviews with artists, although he is only 22 years old he was able to make this channel a reality. At the age of 16 he received a video camera for Christmas which he used to make his first videos of fox’s in his backyard, while receiving around a 1,000 views for it he was thinking of different types of videos so he could get more views.

He had been filming many different things, he had used his handycam to film some freestyle rappers off the street in guerrilla style. He had done this for 3 years until he had started filming some grime music, this music genre wasn’t put in mainstream radio stations and in general was not played enough, that had lead him with a wide door open for the grime genre of music. He had gained a lot of subscribers on his youtube channel by filming interviews with artists, backstage videos of bands playing and everything had been filmed normally without any of the studio gloss.

Overtime he has grown larger and larger that even Ellie Goulding, Nicki Minaj, Bruno Mars and Justin Bieber has been seen on SBTV. Nowadays he has around 350,000 subscribers along with close to 200 million views on his channel and he is able to get his funding through advertisement. This just goes to show how much a person is able to succeed in life from going to film foxes in the yard to even touring with Dr. Dre.

 Here is his YouTube Channel:

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