Friday 15 March 2013

Task 3: Who would distribute our thriller?

Our thriller is about an escaped woman who is on the run away from people who want to take her down and anyone who wants to aid her. This a spy thriller and we are left in one question… who will distribute our thriller?

For our thriller we think that the best institute to distribute our thriller would be Vertigo Films. We believe so because Vertigo has a history of filming  and working with first time directors it would be the best thing for us because they have experience with people like us. Vertigo films is British Production Company that usually make films on a lower budget unlike the time Warner’s film production company Warner bros. more focus on multi million dollar films. Vertigo films were founded in 2002 which signifies that they have multiple years of experience with first time producers. It had been shown as the 4th most popular film production company (said by )

An example of a first time director had been in the movie monsters. This movie had been written and directed by Gareth Edwards, the movie is a perfect example of a low budget film for Vertigo films. The overall budget of the film was 5 thousand pounds to make, unlike in the Dark Knight Rises they had a budget of around 250 million, this again shows the contrast between the big Hollywood production company and the production company that they have in England. For Monsters they had also used only two main characters in the film and they were dropped on location in order for them to shoot, they had minimal planning for the film. Unlike in the Dark Knight Rises they had planed over the period of years to film one scene. For the presentation of the Monsters idea for Vertigo films he had only said that it was a movie about two people in a world where monsters had invaded the earth, and that had been it.

We think that Vertigo films would be the best choice for us, because it is more local than other film companies and it also works with first time directors. We also know that our movie is most unlikely to go to the cinema so for the distribution our film would go directly to DVD. With the DVD we are able reveal extra content about the film. If everything goes well we would be also able to move on to things like going on TV via Netflix. Netflix is a wide worldwide company which is shown through gaming consoles like PlayStation, Xbox 360, and even Nintendo Wii. Through this process we are able to bring our product towards our targeted audience which are young adults.

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