Tuesday 5 February 2013


Final Location:

For the setting of our thriller we had tried to find the best possible place to film our thriller. On the day of the shoot we had different locations on our minds, one possibility would be down in the art block where there is a car park filled with different cars. That had been a problem because it had felt that it had been too crowded and also there had been construction there so then there was the problem of the noise interference. As we looked over that area we had discovered another great place for the car to be parked and that had been the car park behind the car park.  In my opinion I felt that it had been the best place to shoot because it looked like there could be not so many interferences. As such a good place we had not been able to film there because that was the car park of Cosmo's brother, because of that Matt had said that we were not able to film at that location.

So we finally found our perfect location for our thriller which had been the little car park behind the filming studio at the containers. So as we chose the location we had to change our idea even more because only one of the cars could fit up there so it would be almost impossible to have the second car drive up there so we could film it. 

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